Thursday, August 23, 2007
Monday, August 20, 2007
国家动物园 这是我相隔10年的时间 又再一次与它相约...=)
在上个星期六 我与他一起去国家动物园 他非常好奇为什么我一定要去动物园 可是我并没有告诉他
其实...我只是想要放松我的心情 ^^
回想在这几个月所发生不开心的事情 包括我和他的事情, 我和姐妹们的事情 及 家里所发生的大小 事 确实 都让我喘不过气来....
我懂他非常好奇 其实我的目的真的很简单 只是想要放松我的心情 可是我想他永远都不知道吧...除非他有看我的不落格 =)
好吧 让我开始我的动物园之旅...
第一站是长颈鹿 它是很静态的动物
第二站是 大象
大象是一种很可爱的动物 它很温顺和非常喜欢与人们有互动 当我们在它面前拍照时 它竟然摆pose 真得很可爱虽然它很巨大
鸟类 有很多种不同的鸟类 我最喜欢爱情鸟及笨鸟(我不懂它叫什么名) 然后我发现动物们天生老天就给他们衣服穿 就好像爱情鸟穿这彩虹颜色的衣裳
我的生肖.可能天气有些热 他们都藏在里面..
第五站是鸵鸟 斑马 袋鼠 犀牛 鹿
就好像侏罗纪公园 所有的动物放在一起 唯一比较动态的动物就是斑马 其中有一对的斑马在打情骂俏 其他的都在懒洋洋的躺在地上...还有斑比鹿 站的姿势很有王者的味道
第六站是 蛇类 乌龟类 人猿类
由于我不喜欢蛇类 所以没有进去 乌龟到还好 没什么特别 可能很容易看到吧...人猿到很好笑 因为他们就好像人类一样 其中两只睡相真的好好笑...
我第一次觉得熊是一种IQ很低的动物 他们的动作很笨却很可爱 有一只熊一直走进洞里然后走出洞里 一直重复 很好笑 另外一只一直盯着我的水壶 当我把水放去左边是 它就跟着去左边 很可爱!!
有penguin 及热带鱼 可是当我进去水族馆是 感觉很不舒服 可能是因为空气及镜子的问题
最后一站是 小孩的乐园
有兔子 鹦鹉 山羊 小马...etc 最可爱的是那个小马 它是一种小型的马 如果可以我也想养一个 还有最顽皮的鹦鹉 它就好像小孩乐园的老大 一直要大家注意它 我和他也不停的作弄它...^^
ooya 还有一个长得很无辜的动物 我不懂它叫什么名字 它是一种老鼠类的动物 长得很大个却很无辜 我们一直喂它吃枯叶...
我想动物的世界很简单 吃喝玩乐 他们不会害你只要你不攻击它 老虎也可以变很可爱..
overall, 我玩的很开心 他也一样 就像两个大小孩玩个不停 尤其是我们的第二站,第七站及最后一站 唯一的遗憾是相机的电池不够 只是拍了几张照片...遗憾!!!
在上个星期六 我与他一起去国家动物园 他非常好奇为什么我一定要去动物园 可是我并没有告诉他
其实...我只是想要放松我的心情 ^^
回想在这几个月所发生不开心的事情 包括我和他的事情, 我和姐妹们的事情 及 家里所发生的大小 事 确实 都让我喘不过气来....
我懂他非常好奇 其实我的目的真的很简单 只是想要放松我的心情 可是我想他永远都不知道吧...除非他有看我的不落格 =)
好吧 让我开始我的动物园之旅...
第一站是长颈鹿 它是很静态的动物
第二站是 大象
大象是一种很可爱的动物 它很温顺和非常喜欢与人们有互动 当我们在它面前拍照时 它竟然摆pose 真得很可爱虽然它很巨大
鸟类 有很多种不同的鸟类 我最喜欢爱情鸟及笨鸟(我不懂它叫什么名) 然后我发现动物们天生老天就给他们衣服穿 就好像爱情鸟穿这彩虹颜色的衣裳
我的生肖.可能天气有些热 他们都藏在里面..
第五站是鸵鸟 斑马 袋鼠 犀牛 鹿
就好像侏罗纪公园 所有的动物放在一起 唯一比较动态的动物就是斑马 其中有一对的斑马在打情骂俏 其他的都在懒洋洋的躺在地上...还有斑比鹿 站的姿势很有王者的味道
第六站是 蛇类 乌龟类 人猿类
由于我不喜欢蛇类 所以没有进去 乌龟到还好 没什么特别 可能很容易看到吧...人猿到很好笑 因为他们就好像人类一样 其中两只睡相真的好好笑...
我第一次觉得熊是一种IQ很低的动物 他们的动作很笨却很可爱 有一只熊一直走进洞里然后走出洞里 一直重复 很好笑 另外一只一直盯着我的水壶 当我把水放去左边是 它就跟着去左边 很可爱!!
有penguin 及热带鱼 可是当我进去水族馆是 感觉很不舒服 可能是因为空气及镜子的问题
最后一站是 小孩的乐园
有兔子 鹦鹉 山羊 小马...etc 最可爱的是那个小马 它是一种小型的马 如果可以我也想养一个 还有最顽皮的鹦鹉 它就好像小孩乐园的老大 一直要大家注意它 我和他也不停的作弄它...^^
ooya 还有一个长得很无辜的动物 我不懂它叫什么名字 它是一种老鼠类的动物 长得很大个却很无辜 我们一直喂它吃枯叶...
我想动物的世界很简单 吃喝玩乐 他们不会害你只要你不攻击它 老虎也可以变很可爱..
overall, 我玩的很开心 他也一样 就像两个大小孩玩个不停 尤其是我们的第二站,第七站及最后一站 唯一的遗憾是相机的电池不够 只是拍了几张照片...遗憾!!!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
I got tagged by my jimui, hui wee..
Here are the rules:
1. Each blogger must post these rules first.
2. Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they've tagged, and to read your blog.
8's fact and habbit of Ing-
1.I do like crying and easy get cry...=p
2.Blanket, pillowss and snowman toy must belong wif me when i sleeping...=p And i cant sleep well on other ppl's bed..dont ask me why~~
3.I do blur in direction.
4.Cold is the only comment when friend holding my hand and they do like to ask 'why ur hand so cold one~~~" =.=''' dont ask me why coz i oso wondering the reason too...maybe im cold blood animal..=p
5.I love puppy but im not good in caring thm and addicted in photography lately.
6.I'l be very quiet if u dont know me well...
7.I like to dreaming and a bad habbit i think...hehe
8.I always keep things in my mind and dont like to talk out..Except my jimuiz and family.This is the worst habbit i have~~
Thats all about me~~
Here are the rules:
1. Each blogger must post these rules first.
2. Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they've tagged, and to read your blog.
8's fact and habbit of Ing-
1.I do like crying and easy get cry...=p
2.Blanket, pillowss and snowman toy must belong wif me when i sleeping...=p And i cant sleep well on other ppl's bed..dont ask me why~~
3.I do blur in direction.
4.Cold is the only comment when friend holding my hand and they do like to ask 'why ur hand so cold one~~~" =.=''' dont ask me why coz i oso wondering the reason too...maybe im cold blood animal..=p
5.I love puppy but im not good in caring thm and addicted in photography lately.
6.I'l be very quiet if u dont know me well...
7.I like to dreaming and a bad habbit i think...hehe
8.I always keep things in my mind and dont like to talk out..Except my jimuiz and family.This is the worst habbit i have~~
Thats all about me~~
My lucky friends
- Hwee Ling -
- Ah Yat -
- Yk -
- CK -
- CK -
Monday, August 13, 2007
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
无助. 害怕.担心
我真的感觉很无助 因为我不知道如何帮助她
我真的感觉很害怕 因为我好像快要失去她
在这几天 我以为已经把眼泪流干了 可是 看到她的眼泪 我的眼泪也不自觉地流下来.....
为了不让她看见大家的担心 大家都选择把难过放在心里
当我看着她空洞的眼神 没有生气的眼神 我真的真的很害怕.........
我不知道怎样才能帮到她 我不知道怎样让她不再担心及害怕 我不知道如何让她消除心里的恐惧
陪伴她的这几天 深深的了解不懂如何帮助她的痛苦的感觉.....那种无助的感觉
叶若樱 你要坚强 酱你才能帮到她
我真的感觉很害怕 因为我好像快要失去她
在这几天 我以为已经把眼泪流干了 可是 看到她的眼泪 我的眼泪也不自觉地流下来.....
为了不让她看见大家的担心 大家都选择把难过放在心里
当我看着她空洞的眼神 没有生气的眼神 我真的真的很害怕.........
我不知道怎样才能帮到她 我不知道怎样让她不再担心及害怕 我不知道如何让她消除心里的恐惧
陪伴她的这几天 深深的了解不懂如何帮助她的痛苦的感觉.....那种无助的感觉
叶若樱 你要坚强 酱你才能帮到她
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
A lot of things happened in this few days and its make me moody lately.
During i work in pc fair, as usual, tiring and i meet alotz of friends at there...I was suprised that i meet a person who i never ever expected been there in that moment because he should at oversea now!!! Honestly i was shocked and unbelivable when i saw him.
By the way, i really wish to wrong kenal person.BUT....well i have nothing to say now, jus wish she didnt get any hurt from him.If not i goin to kill him!!!
I felt im the most useless in my family!! My mom emotion was unstable lately...i really worried about her and in very first time i cant help her coz i dont know how to help her.Sigh!!!She wil overnight in my grandma's house this few days and im the one who have to take care of other family member..
During these day i though i can do well in housework, coz at least i know how to cook for my family but yesterday nite oni i realised dont know how to operate d washing mechine...=.=''' Now only i understand being a mom is not easy!!!mom i love u...
PS:Dont know why my tears always drop when i facing some problem and for sure i know crying is doesnt help anything...but i dont know why??maybe crying = ing. By the way i hv to thank my suilou to accompany me these few days..
For her, my stubborn jimuz
Speechless. This is the feeling when me and my jimuz talked to her, coz she is the one who never listen other ppl advise...Mayb she listen but she doesnt do it..
By the way, i'll always stand beside of u even i totally disagree the way you do and i dont understand why you must do it so..Be tought and be clever, this is my word for u.No matter what i stil wish u hv a nice trip and enjoy it..
Moody- ing *
During i work in pc fair, as usual, tiring and i meet alotz of friends at there...I was suprised that i meet a person who i never ever expected been there in that moment because he should at oversea now!!! Honestly i was shocked and unbelivable when i saw him.
By the way, i really wish to wrong kenal person.BUT....well i have nothing to say now, jus wish she didnt get any hurt from him.If not i goin to kill him!!!
I felt im the most useless in my family!! My mom emotion was unstable lately...i really worried about her and in very first time i cant help her coz i dont know how to help her.Sigh!!!She wil overnight in my grandma's house this few days and im the one who have to take care of other family member..
During these day i though i can do well in housework, coz at least i know how to cook for my family but yesterday nite oni i realised dont know how to operate d washing mechine...=.=''' Now only i understand being a mom is not easy!!!mom i love u...
PS:Dont know why my tears always drop when i facing some problem and for sure i know crying is doesnt help anything...but i dont know why??maybe crying = ing. By the way i hv to thank my suilou to accompany me these few days..
For her, my stubborn jimuz
Speechless. This is the feeling when me and my jimuz talked to her, coz she is the one who never listen other ppl advise...Mayb she listen but she doesnt do it..
By the way, i'll always stand beside of u even i totally disagree the way you do and i dont understand why you must do it so..Be tought and be clever, this is my word for u.No matter what i stil wish u hv a nice trip and enjoy it..
Moody- ing *
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
我爱哭 大声的哭 你在身边我敢放肆的哭
电影感人 听情歌 我都会哭
我爱哭 偷偷的哭 你清楚却伤我那黱离谱
几句话语 我的泪 却止不住
我不哭 我不敢哭 哭只会让视线变的模糊
我是爱哭鬼 我想哭掉对你的思念
我是爱哭鬼 我想哭掉对你的依恋
*突然偶发现这首歌好像诉说着自己 因为我真的是个爱哭鬼~~
电影感人 听情歌 我都会哭
我爱哭 偷偷的哭 你清楚却伤我那黱离谱
几句话语 我的泪 却止不住
我不哭 我不敢哭 哭只会让视线变的模糊
我是爱哭鬼 我想哭掉对你的思念
我是爱哭鬼 我想哭掉对你的依恋
*突然偶发现这首歌好像诉说着自己 因为我真的是个爱哭鬼~~
Coconut house
I was been coconut's house on monday.My comment to coconut's house is good environment and nice food...recommaned for those couple who want to have candle light dinner.
Here some picture which i took on that night.
The best snap i captured in coconut's house....

I like this poster and I've tried my best to snap it but it still looked blur...

My second best snap..i like those light
The light, the table and the chair...
I tried to step on the bridge........
New friend, Jimmy who looks like a barbie doll...=p
The one who bring me to coconut's house...Thanks =p
Overall, we had fun and enjoy our food in coconut's house.Too bad those picture i capture were too dark..=(
Here some picture which i took on that night.
The best snap i captured in coconut's house....

I like this poster and I've tried my best to snap it but it still looked blur...

My second best snap..i like those light

The light, the table and the chair...

I tried to step on the bridge........

New friend, Jimmy who looks like a barbie doll...=p

The one who bring me to coconut's house...Thanks =p

Overall, we had fun and enjoy our food in coconut's house.Too bad those picture i capture were too dark..=(
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